
Savvy Carry-on Tips

Hello Gentle Readers, 

As some of you may or may not know, I am currently en route to Dublin, Ireland from my home base of Dallas, Texas for a month-long work trip. As excited as I am for this trip, there are some bumps along the way…



I was supposed to fly from Dallas to Chicago to Dublin. There are no direct flights from Dallas to Dublin (weird, right?).  Whilst in the air on the way to Chicago, there appeared a storm so we were diverted to Milwaukee. Long story short, missed that flight. There is only one flight per day from Chicago to Dublin (again, 21st century here) so I got my ticket changed for the one for today, August 16th. Work put me up at the airport Hilton (it’s pretty nice too).

Flight was at 5:45. Got through TSA around 2:00 PM. Waiting at my gate. Flight gets bumped to 6:30. 7:30. 8:30. 9:30. 1:30 am…. 8:30 AM…..


I am currently writing from that same airport Hilton whilst watching The Blindside. Here’s to hoping the flight tomorrow goes well. My resolve is quickly fading.



Here are the Savvy Travel tips for a great carryon:

1. Invest in a great bag. Pocket, zippers, the whole 9 yards. You want something durable (and cute!). I enjoy medium sized duffle bags, but if you travel often, for long distances, or enjoy only having a carryon instead of checking a bag, contemplate investing in a durable, wheeled bag. I know I wish I had one today… my shoulder marks will tell you that too.

2. Always have a small bag of toiletries. Extra glasses/contacts, small deodorant, mini perfume, extra hair ties/bobby pins. I always have eye liner and mascara with me,  but I usually forget a little thing of foundation. After this trip I will ensure to always travel with at least a day’s worth with me at all times. If you’re missing something, ask your hotel if they have anything they can give you. I got a razor and a toothbrush today. 🙂


3. ALWAYS have at least 1 (or 3) extra pairs of underwear. This has been my saving grace these past few days. Sorry for the TMI, but that’s what you need to expect on this blog 🙂

4. This goes along with toiletries: Carry a mini brush AND a small can of dry shampoo. My favorite is Not Your Mother’s in the white and green can. I have yet to find a mini version so I have the Treeseme (spelling?) in the black and green can. It’s the best $2 (or less) investment you will ever make. Tips for dry shampoo: if you need it for right then, spray it into the roots in sections over your head. Let it sit for at least 5 minutes in order to soak up all of the oils. Then either brush it through your hair (my method) or use your CLEAN hands to disperse it through your scalp. Dry Shampoo is probably my best friend (sorry to the humans in my life) and is a life saver for the girl who only washes her hair once… or twice… a week.  I used to use it back when I had brown hair and it was a tad more difficult since you had to really work to make sure that it was dispersed so you didn’t look a tad elderly with the muted brown hair. However you can now buy specific dry shampoo for brown hair AND you can make your own out of cornstarch and coco power. Extends your blow out and smells great! What could be better?

5. Make sure your chargers are with you. Never know when you’re going to need to kill some time and your phone battery is low.

These were just off the top of my head and based on my own needs/experiences. You can totally tailor this to your own needs. I have several other things in my bag right now, but these are the main staples that I always carry. Currently, I also have reading material, my tablet/laptop, lotion, a notebook, pens, and my camera.

While I am in Ireland I will be on the lookout for a carry-on upgrade for the trip back…. this one large tote and small purse thing isn’t going to work for me anymore. Time to upgrade 😉

I’ll update you guys as the days go by. I’m hoping that the worst of the trip is over and it’ll be smooth sailing from here on out. But hey, it’s me so that probably won’t happen.

Catch you later!


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