Happy New Year, Everyone!

I hope you accomplished everything you wanted to in 2018. Here’s a quick recap of my highlights….
- Decided to get the Gastric Sleeve, accomplished the pre-op requirements, got the surgery Oct 31st.
- Went to Ireland for Therese’s wedding and to see friends
- Went to Iceland with members of the Squad
- Went to Seattle to visit Meg and Ash
- Went to Tampa for my friends Brittany and Brandon’s wedding
- Went on a cruise for Christmas with my mom and sister
- Made new friends
- Hung out with old friends
- Did some house renovations
- Celebrated my 27th Birthday
- Paid off four credit cards!!
I feel very fulfilled by 2018 and am really looking forward to what 2019 has to offer. This year was a transitional year in some ways, but many things were still accomplished.

A few of the things I am hoping to accomplish are….
- Lose the rest of my weight
- Go to Vegas to see Britney Spears
- Go on an adventure with Julia (potentially to Canada/Upstate NY!)
- Hang out with Karma even more! <3
- Finish my Wedding Business Website/Course
- Get a certificate in Agile for a Scrum Master
- Create the Podcast that Tara and I have been talking about forever
- Meeting Youssef and Jayne in Switzerland for NYE 2019
- As always…. blog more!

What are some of your goals for 2019? What accomplishment are you the most proud of for 2018?? Let me know in the comments 🙂
Happy Reading!