Every single time I go to post I realize how long its been since my last post…. oops 🙂

Big things that have happened since August 2020:
- Karma died 🙁 Still upset. Not ready for another dog. That’s really all I want to say
- Did a social distance vacation to New Mexico and Colorado for end of December, beginning of January. Skiied for the first time in forever. Very fun. Very safe.
- Still working from home. Hoping that lasts forever.
- Got my vaccine!
- Another year of a quarantine birthday, but made the best of it with a pool day and a few vaccinated friends!
- Celebrated 2.5 years of being post-op for my VSG which brings me to my big announcement….
In May I will be going down to Miami to get my Extended Tummy Tuck, 360 Lipo, BBL, and J-Plasma from @MagicSurgeon! I AM SO EXCITED. I’ve literally been waiting for this for YEARS so to finally be making it happen is seriously a dream come true. I will be attempting to document the process as best as I can either on IG or TikTok. Follow along if you want, understand if you’re squeamish/prudish and don’t want to. You do you, boo.

That’s really all I have for now. The quarantine life has not been full of thrills so not much else to tell. Hoping to have more adventures soon since I will be vaccinated and loose-skin free!
Happy Reading!