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    Dallas Personal

    Plastic Surgery Journey: Six Month Update

    Welcome back to my Plastic Surgery Journey BBL and Tummy Tuck Six month check in! If you want to read about some of the previous check-ins or see some FAQ click on the links!

    Main Highlights:

    • I have finished with the consistent lymphatic massages and now just go ever so often for maintenance.
    • I now only need to wear my Stage 2 Faja 12 hours a day instead of 23 #praise
    • My soreness is essentially gone
    • I am able to be more active
    • My energy is basically back to normal
    • Swelling is very minimal, but does still occur especially towards the end of the day or when I’ve eaten too much salt
    • Sleeping on my back is the new normal. I used to be a side sleeper, but that is not as comfortable anymore. Not sure if that will ever be normal again, but I sleep really well on my back and it’s better for your spine so that’s a plus.
    • My scars have healed and are fading pretty well. The ones on my back are darker than the one for my tummy tuck because I haven’t been as diligent with them so that’s the next area of focus.

    I am still incredibly happy with my decision not only to have the surgery, but also to have it in Miami with Dr Humberto. Not only is it super important to research your surgeon, but also research your aftercare options. So thankful to my massage therapists in Miami and in Dallas for helping me recover so well. Do not cheap out on that!!

    For the moment I am finished with plastics, but may need to do some upkeep in the future. I have started to go on longer walks and my gym membership is being reactivated in December. I am looking into lifting programs to get started with since I’m basically starting from scratch again. It’s hard to imagine that since I did 75 Hard and went from 2 45-minute workouts a day to only being able to lay in bed for a few months. Excited to see what the next six months will bring!

    I also recently celebrated my 3 Year VSG Anniversary as well! I have checkups every 6 months with that doctor’s office to do bloodwork and make sure all of my levels are good so that is coming up as well. It’s very important to keep up with not only your nutrition after surgery, but also your vitamins! I am great about taking my calcium (because they are these tasty lemon chews), but I need work on taking my iron/multivitamin. I have a few weeks to get back on track before I get a lecture so finger’s crossed that everything looks good.

    Let me know in the comments or on IG if you have any questions!

    Happy Reading!
